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Ukrainian Economy 2023

Ukraine's Economy Shows Unexpected Resilience in 2023

Economic Growth Surpasses Expectations

In a surprising turn of events, Ukraine's economy has shown remarkable resilience in 2023, defying all expectations. According to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), the country's real GDP is estimated to have grown by a staggering 5-5.5% in 2023.

Strong Recovery Amidst Wartime Conditions

This growth comes as a significant recovery after the sharp decline of 28.8% in 2022, due to the ongoing war with Russia. The NBU attributes this resilience to several factors, including the resilience of the Ukrainian people, the strong support from international partners, and effective government policies.

Despite the ongoing conflict, Ukraine's economy has demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt and find new sources of growth. The agricultural sector, in particular, has been a key driver of the recovery, with exports of grain and other commodities helping to sustain the economy.

However, the NBU warns that the pace of recovery is expected to slow in 2024, to a projected 3.2%. This is due to the continuing impact of the war and the uncertainty surrounding its resolution.
